I had to work on Saturday so I didn't get to see a lot of the activities that day. I did run up after work and snap a few picture.

The 3-on-3 basketball tournament started about 10 that morning and the games where still going strong when I got there. If you think basketball is a non-contact sport you should have watched some of these games.

There were some good teams in the competition this year. I didn't hang around till the end so I can't tell you who won though.

The girls were playing at the other end of the court. I saw a couple of good match ups at that end too.

Now here is where all the action was! The 42 tournament was going on in the fellowship hall. The competition was as intense as the other events, just a lot less sweating.

And upstairs was the doubles racquetball tournament. You can run out of room real quick with 4 guys running around a racquetball court.
All in all it was a very successful two days of games. We got to share our facility with the community, raise some money for mission trip, and get lots of exercise. We are looking forward to many more events like this in the future.
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