Today was the first regular Sunday service in our new building. All the chairs were set up the night before in hopes that a large crowd would come. Before the service started they had to bring in even more chairs! The official count for the day was 496. Tony said that to a preacher, that's 500.

We started the service with a baptism. Jason Ramsey, the contractor for the building, baptised one of the workers who had been saved during construction. 25 workers accepted Christ during the construction of this building.

Tony preached a wonderful sermon, as usual. We were tweaking the sound system through out the entire service trying to get it to sound good. I hope we were successfull.

I didn't get upstairs to take a overview picture of the entire room. I was too busy running the computer and helping with the sound. But above is the right side...

and this is the left side. Everything worked fairly well. Only one thing didn't work. We couldn't get the audio to play on a video they wanted to show. Hopefully that will be fixed by next week.

Then it was time to eat! JohnE was excited about that. There was lots of food for everyone.

They set up the serving lines in the fellowship hall. After you got your food you would head out to eat in the lobby area or...

back in the gym. We quickly rolled out tables and moved the chairs around so everyone would have a place to sit. It was a great first Sunday! If you didn't make it, we hope to see you soon.