We had our Sunday morning Church service at the new building this morning. They finished the platform for the Praise Team to use. They floor was cleaned up so well you could have eaten off it (You could have, not me).

People started arriving and the room filled up fast. There was a good crowd this morning.

This is looking from the lobby area into the main auditotium. I love the big windows.

This view is from beside the fellowship hall looking back toward the frount door.

There were alot of youth there.

The Praise Team started off the service. After a few sound system problems were worked out the rest of the worship time went very well.

Pastor Tony preached and we had a very good service.

After the service everyone ate their picnic lunches and hung out for awhile. A couple of guys had grills set up in the parking lot. They even set up the bounce houses inside the building. We love all the room!